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Begin your Journey




Shamanism and healing

Shamanic practitioner/ therapist

sacred oil practitioner

energy healing

end of life companion

rites of passage

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The Thread that holds this body of work and is the thread that holds exsistance.

The Quechua word for mutuality, "today for you, tomorrow for me"

Ayni is the Sacred Exchange that occurs in the natural world. The Reciprocity of the world of living Energy.

Moving out of the Manmade Modern World of Time and space which exists in the Struggle, We can also ourselves to feel and breathe with the rhythm of the natural world, this is where I believe you can begin to experience the reality of the world of living energy, its about healing deeply and changing your perception.

it is our natural state to be in right relationship with the sacredness of life through concious interchange with all our relations, the trees, rocks, animals 

rivers, the human heart and our beloved in Eternal love, the dance of living energy , it the unified field of Love.

Mandala Mat
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Due to my extensive healing of my own trauma and disassociation, subsequent study, training, practice and now teaching of these healing pathways through my Two accredited Schools I co

I offer healing and study at a number of levels to enhance a persons health according to their needs.

Some of the most common symptoms of dis ease that I can address as an experienced trauma informed therapist are

*Anxiety, *Extreme Anxiety *Depression, Depressive Disorders *feelings of unworthiness

*Coping Mechanisms, *self Sabotage *OCD *PTSD *CPTSD *Trauma

*Addiction *Mild Psychosis From fear, drugs and plant spirit medicine abuse *effective on womb health

Some Of the techniques I use that are very effective , lifesaving and life changing are found within Indigenous perceptions of Mental Health  but also within understanding the western culture and the loss of connection to our humanity and nature. Most potent are integrative techniques such as Soul Retrieval very affective with extreme Disaccociation and inner Child Healing. Rites Of passage ceremony is very integral to a healthy Psyche and culture and has a profound effect on wellbeing. Understanding the effects of life changing moments in life and the wisdom of hormones as part of our human design within mind body, soul and Psyche is important to this work of recovery and healing.

Some Of my healing Modalities.

*Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, Sacred oil Massage and healing

*Inner Child Healing and integration, Integrative Ceremony for the Psyche

*Soul Retrieval Integrative therapy for disassociation, confusion, fear, grief and loss

*Menopause healing and support with Rites Of passage

*Shamanic Drum Healing.

*Transendental Journeys for vibrational healing and medicine.

*Grief Support with sacred Oil Therapy for Loss and Trauma

*Support for End Of Life

*Integrative therapy for Sexual energy

*Healing for the womb

To journey with my work and offerings is to come from the place of understanding life and creation from a mythic perspective, like all indigenous cultures do.

Running through myth is the concept of the dreaming which is for me is part of the Shamanic perception of this World, that consciousness is the spirit world and is accessed through communication with the spirits of nature and our heart intelligence, that this world was dreamt into being by creator, so the dreaming state is a place of manifestation, creation and healing. Mother Earth holds our bodies in her living energy so we can become aware of ourselves through our love which is pristine life-force which can manifest more beauty on this Earth so we can be part of this co creation which brings life. To bring more lifeforce and love into consciousness we need to clear the density and heal from trauma so we can feel our pure essence again, coming back into right relationship.

How to create the altar of creation, these are some of my offerings for beginning to live in right relationship.

I have been mentored by and recieved training with indigenous Grandmothers and shamanka teachers over 28 years, no plant spirit ingestion as its not my path, I have been mentored with Rites of passage and I am initiated into the path of the Myrraphore. My lineage is druidic welsh and my roots are from the sacred isle of ynys mon or Mona. I was born an identical twin with the birth name

Hannah Gwawr Davies which translated is Graceful Dawning Of the beloved.

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One to one sessions and individual retreats email me.


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