The work of coming home into our humanity through the heart and soul.
The sacred inner life-force river that Gracefully merges with the Ocean of Awakening to self and the dawning of the beloved.
This is the Devotion to self and the realisation of the Supreme Spiritual heart, the Hiridya. The harvesting of your recovery and the tending of your being through becoming conscious of yourself and your path through all of the medicine received along the way takes you here to the vast ocean of love to merge with the unified field of love.

Soul Retrieval is one of the most profound techniques used in many ancient and modern Shamanic Culture. We Are able through Shamanic understanding of, perception of and communion with the dreaming body and the three shamanic worlds, to journey in Sacred space into the subconscious, into the non ordinary reality where you have safely placed disassociated parts of your self and your perception of the world during a time in your life when an experience in the outer world was difficult and you experienced trauma, grief, loss and shock.
the subconscious is landscape in your psyche that works in supporting us to cope with the world we find ourselves in, but there comes time in your life when the unconcious needs and wants to become conscious again,
the shaman is able to travel into the subconscious of the person needing support and bring back parts of their soul, their consciousness into their perception, into their heart perecption, into their deep love, this is done with the most beautiful and loving ceremony and a medicine story is given for integration with also the deep loving presence of the Holy Oils of the temples.
No Trauma is revisited just the gifts brought home of those younger or past life parts.
this technique has such profound results it is life changing
The Hiridya is the seat of the soul that resides in the deepest part of your heart.
the Soul Parts are brought home into this sacred place which supports self realisation of the Atman, the supreme spiritual self as love
