Sacred union
Ayni between masculine and feminine, and the fabric of love within heaven and Earth.
The sacred exchange that is Ayni, The giving and receiving that weaves throughout time are in the celtic tradition of my bloodline as the threads of Aranrhod, the Celtic Goddess who is the channel between heaven and Earth, she also in her prophecy is weaving through our inner world of masculine and feminine. when this is in balance within we are then more able to manifest healthy relations between men and women on the outer, the healing of the brokenness between men and women, that comes from our disconnection from the fabric of profound love that weaves through the land and forests, between community ,comes from a belief in scarcity, that there is not enough resources and not enough love, when there is an abundance of love so we can be generous and trusting in love.
Aranrhod......Artist unknown.
Aranrhod Speaks
This Work is my offering back to the Holy groves and forests of the land of Brigit, Brigit isle, Britain. The profound Sacred lore of this land that is in my bones and blood through my Welsh bloodline on both sides of my family. My ancestors are strong holding the Frequency of bardic song and poetry and the wise ways of the Drui.
I was birthed as Hannah Gwawr Davies into the arms of Brigantia, and grew up on the deeply Sacred Drui island of Ynys Mon or Mona as she was known to the Romans, Anglesey this day is her name. I birthed all 3 of my children in Cymru, Wales and my Son came into my Womb when I lived on the shores of caer Aranrhod.
I grew up knowing the ancient myths of Wales. Aranrhod is a prominent figure of the Goddess and her story speaks to prophecy. She Foretold of a time to come when the Sacred ways would become lost and the Goddess Forgotten and the land and the Sacred feminine desecrated. The Sacred Groves Burned. Aranrhod speaks to the wisdom of the Goddess and the path of the sacred Rites Of the masculine, the true nature of the cosmic force of the universe and how they are woven as threads of Ayni between Earth and sky, with erotic lifeforce energy being the thread of the power of transformation that is woven through all of life , the Sacred knowledge of this power will one day return and that day is now.
The Starlight , the luminous threads of our world of living energy is the Great tapestry of Creation and Aranrhod shows us the threads of our destiny is woven into this Great fabric. My work is an deep offering to mending the tear of the fabric of life that happened 2500 years ago in this sacred Land of Brigit.
Aranrhod calls us home.
The Starlight body
and the Drui Grove of Healing
The beautiful work of retrieving lost lifeforce energy through the mists of time is a shamanic technique of Recapitulation. Bringing home the love of you that was woven into the love of the sacred forests of her land is profoundly beautiful.
I offer the sacred Drui oils of Anointing and healing to support grief, to understand the awakened depth of love, to speak to the psyche of belonging and to reconsecrate the sacred self within, to support the great remembrance of indigenous forest lore.
soul retrieval for the inner masculine.
Retrieving and Restoring the beautiful masculine essence of your consciousness from shock, loss or trauma, healing the past of your boyhood, bringing him home so he can begin to step across his threshold into soul awareness and love for becoming a masculine presence in this world that is so needed,
for women inner masculine also
honouring the seeds of light ceremony
The masculine holds the banks of the river, for the feminine to reach the depths of the ocean of her love to create life, her Sacred Rivers should be held in the protection and witnessing and strength of the masculine, like the trees holding the banks of the river the recovery of the roots of holding instead of control needs to be restored,
The outer masculine here, the men I offer work to assist them to take that healing journey within up the Sacred Mountain Of their heart to pray and receive the seeds of light that come from the radiance, their inner God presence to then give to the sacred womb of creation, the sacred feminine, the land, their own inner feminine as an offering for Ayni and balance.
a beautiful anointing Myrraphore ceremony to honour the prayers of the masculine heart that are given as seeds of light
What Clients Say...
I appreciated that Hannah sat with me before the session to ask what I am feeling , sensing plans experiencing. I instantly felt comfortable and connected with her. In addition to feeling seen and heard, Hannah included a chant with her Shruti box, it opened my Heart further.
As my intention was a blessing for my feet before I began my
long pilgrimage, I felt the depths of her gifts, song ,light touch, holy oils.
My feet continue to bless me with their strength, resilience
and we occasionally dance my way through life.
much gratitude to Hannah and her beautiful healing Grace.
Kim LeClaire, Author of The Reluctant Pilgrim