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The Temple Of The Myrrhbearers
Sacred life
Sacred Death
sacred union

the lifeforce.

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The Myrraphore were the women who were able to bring their beauty, Grace, love

and compassion through communion with and acceptance of Divine Love within themselves. With the assistance of the deeply sacred oils they would support transformation through the thresholds Of life and death, Healing and Anointing


Who were the Myrrhbearers?

They were the "Mistresses of The Oils"

They were women that were and are

  • Devoted to sacred living and dying and had learnt the

  • Art Of Anointing through the Mystical Path of the Heart and Soul. They were versed in the

  • frequency of expansive love through lifeforce energy being aligned with harmony, heath and wellbeing but also they

  • studied the energy field s that make up the vibration of our world and our own souls,

  • they studied not just health wellbeing from a holistic and vibrational medicine stance but also

  • End Of life and the dying process

  • the nature of the soul

  • and the mechanics of the soul within the body.

  • they also understand the profound nature of Eros and Sacred union within,

  • The were versed in the Original deep lineage of Yoga, Union with God And Goddess for living and dying well

  • The 4000 year old lineage of Sacred Oils was part of their Mystical Knowledge to commune with the vibration of certain properties of the Oils for

  • healing, transformation and Rites Of passage.

  • Kundalini was a part of this Knowledge.



The first year with me is a healing for the student to bring awareness to and Gratitude to the profound nature of her sexuality and sensuality, her erotic power,
And how to embrace her lifeforce and Grace for the beauty full work of tending to others with healing and anointing.

  • There will be 17 oils with which she will have worked with deeply for her own healing ,

  • The oils becoming her Beloved Companions on her journey of inner discovery.​ and also the learning of how to safely  minister other oils.

From a strong place of self knowledge, self love, self awareness and devotion to your own healing you are then able to step into the Role Of the Myrrhbearers , the mistress of the oils, the oils are not aromatherapy oil they are shamanic oils that create phenomena and profound change. When ministering the oils you can be tending to;

                     Grief *Loss *pain 
*ptsd *soul wounds *anxiety

              *depression *fear *Apathy *life changes *womb healing

             *Heart Healing *sexual Energy Healing *Rites of passage

        *healing past life energies *end of life care *Menopause Symptoms *Divorce *birth *Chakra Balancing *Energy Medicine


  • After First Year completion with an accreditation with IPHM there will be an opportunity to do a short course with me on the Druid anointing oils. The Ancient Knowledge Of Britain under the forgotten tradition of the Swan Priestesses

  • Link To Oracle Of Aranrhod , my page on Druid wisdom

  • :https//

The second year is designed as further study and healing around rites of passage and sacred thresholds meeting this wisdom with her cosmic force within as Devi, the Goddess as Shakti Ma and Kundalini, to tend from this place of Erotic lifeforce requires wisdom of traditional tantra holding for the banks of her river and continued embodiment of Goddess. Deeper into another 5 oils for her, Sadhana(devoted spiritual practice) to shakti Ma and special Aarti (expression of love) blessing her River.

Each Student has a one to one journey, some online study, some in person immersions.


The first year

  • The Path of love. introduction to a womans sexuality and sensuality as a sacred journey.

  •  Soul retrieval to Heal and to bring home your natural Grace and love with anointing.

  • the Altar of a woman's orgasmic power, Sacred Teachings on the alignment of a woman's power. Gathering your Myrraphore Bundle. Inner Sacred Union Holding.

  • Sacred beauty filled Recapitulation Ceremony to call back your power.

  • Into the ocean of your love, your sacred heart, tending to the Garden of your heart with the Holy oils..


  • ​Teachings on the chakra system and your holy river as Energy, Tending to others with Holy oils. The oils become your Beloved Companions.

  • Claiming you inner Myrraphore

  • The Hiridya , The Supreme Spiritual Heart.

  • Graceful Breaths

  • Sacred Texts,

  • Sadhana(Spiritual Practice) practice with Oils and devotion to yourself

  • The Inner Beloved 

  • Opening your temple to others. the Magdalana Temple within.

second year

  • Teachings on Rites Of passage From the wisdom of Shakti lifeforce


  • Deepening of your Myrraphore bundle, the altar to yourself and your own Eternal Lifeforce


  • Deeper into 5 more oils..understanding the Goddess as the cosmic force of nature, the cosmic force of the universe that flows through us all. Study

on the Scriptures and Sacred Texts.

  • meeting her as the Goddess Kundalini through traditional tantra yoga practices and Sadhana with communion with the Holy oils that speak to this lifeforce.

  • the study of the Gospel and the accension process,

transcending Death.

  • *Pilgrimage and baptism(purification} of your holy river within with the holy oils through Aarti , expression of ones own complete and unflinching love towards God.

  • Deep devotion, reverence , adoration and meditative awareness of the god and Goddess within.

Exchange costs

£1555 low wage per year

 £2222 highWage per year.

instalments possible.



  • one to one in your own time journey.

  •  3 IN PERSON SPECIAL Half Day ONE TO ONE RETREATS in Glastonbury, Portugal or online

  • Study and written work at home.



  • Ceremony of Dedication

Email to secure a place with a deposit.

on completion of the first year students can purchase an exclusive and rare Myrraphore print/ transmission of My Magdala painting. That came during miracles Transmission while I held a conscious death retreat.

Painted by the wonderful and my beloved heart sister Nori



What Clients Say...

"I am loving this beautiful work with you Hannah and can highly recommend to others this gentle, flowing, deeply healing course where you can work at your own pace with Hannah and let the teachings resonate and take time with each stage. Thankyou Hannah, its such a privilege to be learning from you."

Juliet, yoga teacher.

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